Blog Editors: Jean-Pierre Méan – Nawal Aït-Hocine – Malika Aït-Mohamed Parent – Francesco Clementucci – Karen Egger
The opinions expressed in this blog are those of the individual author in his or her individual capacity and the information herein is not intended to constitute legal advice. Readers are encouraged to seek legal counsel regarding anti-corruption laws or any other legal issue.
Conflicts of Interest and Corruption
By Jean-Pierre Méan
Published on Tuesday September 4, 2018
The Commission on Corporate Responsibility and Anti-Corruption of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) has recently published Guidelines on Conflicts of Interest in Enterprises.
These guidelines, as well as other publications of the ICC, are particularly interesting because they reflect the consensus of a large number of experts and organizations from the business community. In this respect, the business world appears to have been and to remain at the forefront of fighting corruption, ahead of many states parties to the OECD Convention or the United Nations Convention against Corruption. (suite…)
Corruption and Governance
By Jean-Pierre Méan
Published on Tuesday July 3, 2018
For those who are involved in combating corruption on a daily basis, it is necessary to go back to the basics once in a while and to raise the question: Why is it that corruption is something worth fighting against? (suite…)
Primer on ISO 37001
By David Simpson
Published on Tuesday June 12, 2018
Watch David Simpson’s Primer on ISO 37001!
David Simpson was and is still closely involved in the development and the implementation of the Standard.
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ISO 37001, boosting the effectiveness of anti-bribery and corruption efforts

Interview of Jean-Pierre Mean,
made by by Mark Dunn in Anti-Bribery And Corruption (March 29, 2018)
Published on the LexisNexis blog on Tuesday May 22, 2018
Jean-Pierre Mean is an anti-corruption lawyer who played a leading role in the development of ISO 37001, a recent global standard by which companies can measure their anti-bribery and corruption policies. He is now leading the working group which looks after the implementation of the standard. Mr. Mean invited LexisNexis to speak with him about the standard at his Geneva home, just a stone’s throw from the famed Swiss lake. There, he explained why the standard has been developed, how governments and companies have reacted to it so far, and how companies will benefit from seeking accreditation.
(suite…)How to shape anti-corruption training?
By Jean-Pierre Méan
Published on Tuesday May 15, 2018
Anti-corruption training should obviously be shaped so as to support and promote the goal of an organization’s policy on corruption, which is (or should be), simply put, to encourage personnel to abstain from any corrupt behavior.
Most training programs attempt to reach that goal by providing knowledge of the organization’s anti-bribery policy and procedures and of the applicable anti-bribery laws, with an emphasis on the FCPA and on the UK Bribery Act because of their extraterritorial reach and also because they are in English and therefore easily accessible for organizations operating in a multinational environment. (suite…)
The Myth of Goodwill
Interview of Malika Aït-Mohamed Parent,
made by Virginie Coulloudon,
Executive Director,,
during the OECD Global Anti-Corruption and Integrity Forum, 29 March 2018
Published on Tuesday April 24, 2018
Goodwill can be a myth and a threat to good governance. This is what Malika Aït-Mohamed Parent, an independent anti-corruption expert tells Your Public Value today. Malika Aït-Mohamed Parent has been focusing on humanitarian assistance. She is committed to developing and supporting processes for better governance in humanitarian organisations. She explains how crucial internal oversight is for any non-profit organisation. We met her at the OECD Integrity Forum, where she discussed the management risks in contexts of fragility. (suite…)
The new Italian Anti-Mafia Code (3 out of 3)
“Corrotti” like Mafiosi
By Francesco Clementucci
Published on Tuesday April 10, 2018
Third parties in good faith enjoy better protection: The rights of third parties resulting from acts in good faith prior to the seizure are guaranteed. The court administrator can be authorized to pay immediately « strategic creditors » for the benefit of business continuity. (suite…)
The new Italian Anti-Mafia Code (2 out of 3)
“Corrotti” like Mafiosi
By Francesco Clementucci
Published on Tuesday March 27, 2018
Transparency in assignments of court appointed directors: They must be chosen among the members of an official roster (the « albo« ) according to transparency rules that will ensure the rotation of the assignments. The Minister of Justice will have to identify appointment criteria that, inter alia, take into account the number of nominations already in place (which may not exceed 3). (suite…)
The new Italian Anti-Mafia Code (1 out of 3)
“Corrotti” like Mafiosi
By Francesco Clementucci
Published on Tuesday March 6, 2018
In September 2017, the Italian Parliament passed a new Anti-Mafia Code which sets corruption on the same footing as mafia and brings more effective seizure procedures, transparency in assignments to fight nepotism and greater opportunities to intervene against companies infiltrated by organized crime. These are just some of the goals that the new anti-mafia code aims to reach. (suite…)
Facilitation payments in Canada
By David Simpson
Published on Tuesday February 27, 2018
« Facilitation Payments” are no longer a permissible category of payment under Canada’s Corruption of Foreign Public Officials Act, (CFOPA). The removal of the exemption was always anticipated but it has now formally come into effect. (suite…)