HaYa Chat

The anticorruptionexperts HaYa Chat is at the disposal of any interested party to share in confidence information in relation with a situation involving bribery or corruption and to start an exchange with an expert of anticorruptionexperts.com.

What is HaYa Chat

HaYa Cha is a chat application that allows users to keep in contact without sharing any personal information. HaYa Chat users do not need to give any personal information or create a user ID or have a profile to use HaYa Chat. This means that a HaYa Chat user, once disconnected from a chat, cannot be contacted again or found.

How does HaYa Chat work with anticorruptionexperts.com

To contact anticorruptionexperts.com, simply scan the QR code below with your smartphone camera and you will be connected to anticorruptionexperts.com via the HaYa Chat app. If you do not have HaYa Chat installed on your phone, you will be guided to the App Store or to Google Play to install it.

Alternatively, you can also download HaYa Chat for free on a smart phone from the App Store or from Google Play. This is quite simple but you may also find more details on how to do it at: https://hayachat.com

Once HaYa Chat is installed on your phone, click on the « Contact an organisation » section on the HaYa Chat app Home Screen and enter: anticorruptionexperts.com under « Enter organisation’s HaYa name » Or scan the QR code below.

Enter a nickname of your choice under “Nickname” and enter “Confirm”.  So as to take full advantage of the confidential character of HaYa Chat your nickname should be selected so as not to permit to identify you. You will then be able to enter and send a message as well as files or photos.

The system works anonymously. No personal data are accessed or stored.

You can message us at any time and we will respond to you as soon as possible taking into account that we are in the CET time zone.


haya chat




The exchanges on anticorruptionexperts HaYa Chat are for informational purposes only and do not constitute legal advice. Theses exchanges are provided without any warranty, express or implied, including as to their legal effect and completeness. The information should be used as a guide and modified to meet individual needs and applicable laws. Use of any information is at the user’s own risk. Anticorruptionexperts and any of its members who participated in the exchange expressly disclaim any warranty: they are not creating or entering into any Attorney-Client relationship by providing information to you unless and until a specific agreement is executed separately for that purpose.