Posts by anticorrexp

Keys to an Effective Anti-Corruption Ethics and Compliance Program

By Marc Tassé  Published on Tuesday December 3, 2019     Businesses are coming under increased scrutiny, both at home and abroad, to ensure that their domestic and foreign operations comply with anti-corruption and anti-bribery legislation. International trends towards tougher legislation and increased enforcement of anti-corruption laws internationally make non-compliance a real risk that companies must address as a business priority. There are significant financial, business, and reputational repercussions to not having an anti-corruption policy and effective compliance program in...

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Cross-fertilization of integrity principles

  By Francesco Clementucci* Published on Tuesday November 5, 2019   Integrity principles do circulate and fertilize other actors and sectors. This inter-models fertilization takes place through processes that are entirely domestic to the Italian legal system. The anti-corruption measures established under the “Severino Law” are clearly inspired by the compliance programmes system set under Legislative Decree n. 231/2001. This instance of “horizontal fertilization” within the Italian legal system is further exemplified by observing how the programme strategy first originated in the...

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Corruption in Latin America: The Odebrecht scandal in Brazil

By David SimpsonPublished on Tuesday October 22, 2019     It has been a few years now since the infamous Operation Car Wash scandal broke in Brazil. Despite this, it continues to entangle business leaders, politicians and other stakeholders in a swampy and fetid mess up until present day.  In this video we re-examine one of the biggest bribery and corruption scandals in Latin American history – and the involvement of the engineering firm Odebrecht (which admitted in 2016 to paying over $800 million in bribes and was forced to pay an eye watering fine of $3.5 billion as part of a settlement...

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The Global Corruption Index – A new instrument to apprehend the un-apprehensible

By Jean-Pierre Méan Published on Tuesday October 15, 2019     Corruption is a (poisonous) flower that prospers in the dark. Both the act of corruption (in short the granting of an undue advantage in exchange for an improper advantage, the (in)famous quid pro quo) and the fruits of this act are hidden or disguised in order to appear legitimate. This makes it quite difficult to measure corruption even though it is possible to get a general idea of the level of corruption from individual instances where the hydra of corruption has risen its head to the surface of conscious perceptions....

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Whistleblowing in the age of the great divide

By Jean-Pierre Méan Published on Thursday October 3, 2019   When divisions run deeper and deeper in a society, simple principles tend to be obscured by raging passions. This applies to all realms of life, including, as we can observe today, to whistleblowing. When the going gets tough, the toughs get going and the toughs are, more often than not, individuals who only have in common that they have no field experience of whistleblowing. It is therefore necessary to revisit, in troubled times, two principles that must necessarily dominate any whistleblowing scheme if it is to be...

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