About me – Jean-Pierre Méan – Publications – Selected Assignments

Institutional structure and the internal procedures enhancing preventive measures and their coherence, efficiency and responsiveness with international standards, Palestinian Anti-Corruption Commission (PACC), virtual, 7 December 2021
12th European Ethics, Compliance & Integrity Forum, virtual, 25 November 2021
ISO 37001, Systèmes de management anti-corruption, Bureau haïtien de normalisation, virtual, 13 July 2021
ISO 37001 after Four Years: Review of Successes, Trends and Expectations, PECB Anti-Bribery Conference 2021, virtual, 19 May 2021
European Ethics, Compliance & Integrity Forum, Viadrina University, virtual, 26 November 2020
The Role of he Compliance Officer in International Standards, Vth International Compliance Congress, virtual, 17 November 2020
ISO 37001 Anti-Bribery, Global Virtual Conference on Standardisation in the Area of Governance and Compliance, 2 April 2020
Les systèmes de management anti-corruption, Centre Canadien d’Excellence Anti-Corruption, Ottawa, 21 January 2019
Auditing Anti-Bribery, The PECB Insighs Conference, Paris, 24 October 2018
La lutte contre la corruption avec la norme ISO 37001 – Systèmes de Management Anticorruption, Séminaire international sur les entreprises tunisiennes et les déjfis de la bonne gouvernance et de la gestion de l’intégrité, Conference followed by a 2-day workshop, Tunis, 16-18 October 2018
Anti-Bribery Management International Best Practice Symposium, Moderator, Shenzhen, China, 13 November 2017
The New Anti-Bribery Management Systems Standard (ABMS), ISO 37001, Anticorruption Switzerland Forum, Zurich, 1 March 2017
Conducting Internal Investigations – the Case of Corruption, Association of International Business Lawyers, Geneva, 24 February 2017
Addressing the Corruption Risk in the Private Sector. Mohyla University, Kiev, 23 January 2017 / International Institute of Management, Kiev, 24 January 2017 / American Chamber of Commerce, Kiev, 27 January 2017
Integrity Risks and Policies in the Private Sector, Business Integrity in Eastern Europe and Central Asia, Regional Expert Seminar, Kyiv, Ukraine, 25 January 2017
Le rôle d’ICC dans la lutte contre la corruption, Programme sur “La corruption: détection, prévention, répression”, Ecole Nationale de la Magistrature, Paris, 23 November 2016 / 24 November 2015
Managing the Corruption Risk with ISO 37001, 5th International ISO 37001 Risk Management Conference, Dubai, 13 October 2016
Key International Trends in Private Sector Anti-Corruption Compliance and Self-Regulation, South Neighbourhood Anti-Corruption Project (SNAC 2) of the Council of Europe, Amman, Jordan, 6 October 2016
La responsabilité de l’entreprise en matière de corruption et les mesures à mettre en place pour y faire face, Journées Strasbourgeoises 2016 organisées sous l’auspice de l’Institut canadien d’études juridiques supérieures, Strasbourg, 1er juillet 2016
Combating Corruption, The Hardware and the Software, Department of Law, Shivaji Universtity, Kolhapur, 13 June 2016 and Faculty of Law, Symbiosis International University, 18 June 2016
Combating Corruption with Human Values, Keynote Address at the 1st International Conference on Universal Human Values, organized by the Bahá’í Academy in Panchgani, in association with the Dept. of Education, Shivaji University, Kolhapur, and the International Institute of Organisational Psychological Medicine (IIOPM), Melbourne, 11 June 2016
Focus on FIFA, C5’s 3rd Annual Forum on Anti-Corruption, Milan, 13 November 2015
Anti-Money Laundering, Sports Federations and PEPs, International Federations’ Directors’ Seminar, Lausanne, 18 May 2015
Korruption: eine zu wenig ernst genommene GwG-Vortat, Office of the General Attorney of Switzerland, Berne, 19 November 2014
Private Sector Integrity Standards, OECD Conference on Business Integrity in Eastern Europe and Central Asia, Istanbul, 10-12 November 2014
Corruption in international business and its legal implications, Master in Commodity Trading, University of Geneva, 11 October 2014
The Switzerland Experience in Combating Corruption, Legislation Reform and Role of NGOs and Political Parties in Combating corruption, Amman/Jordan, 15 June 2013
Collaborative Action: Emerging Models, International Leadership Symposium on Ethics in Business, Geneva, 1 July 2013
Korruption, kein CH-Thema? Kiwanis Club, Winterthur, 10 January 2013
Corruption et Financement Politique, Institut de Lutte contre la Criminalité Economique (ILCE), Neuchâtel, 22.11.2012
The Multiple Facets of Corruption : Impacts and Tools for Business, University of Geneva, Geneva, 2 November 2012
Corruption in International Business and its Legal Implications, Association of Corporate Fraud Examiners, Lausanne, 20 Septemberr 2012
L’impact des règles anti-corruption sur la pratique des investissements internationaux, Association Droit et Affaires, Université de Paris II Panthéon-Assas, 11 April 2012
Fighting Corruption, Kyiv International University, Kyiv/Kiev, Ukraine, 17 March 2012
eGovernment als Mittel zur Korruptionsbekämpfung, eGovernment Symposium, Bern, 15 November 2011
The Participation of the New Economies in the Construction of a more Ethical Business World, Crans Montana Forum, Genève, 28 October 2010
Korruption im In- und Ausland als Vortat für Geldwäscherei in der Schweiz, 7. GwG-Fachtagung , Zürich 2 June 2010
Ethics, Business and International Governance, Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies (HEID), Geneva, 28 August 2009
Corruption in International Business – The Risks for Corporations, their Boards and Management, International Financial Management Association, Geneva, 29 April 2009
Anti-Bribery Training, Anti-Corruption Asia Summit, Hong Kong, 22-24 January 2008
Corruption et développement, 3ème Rencontre Internationale, Ethique, Finance & Responsabilité , Château de Bossey, 30 September 2006
Implementing an Integrity Program, International Bar Association (IBA) Anti-Corruption Conference, Paris, 6 May 2005
Practical Problems in implementing a Code of Conduct, Forum der Schweizer Aussenwirtchaft, Zurich, 11 November 2004
The Challenge of « Clean » Management – Experiences in implementing the Business Principles for countering Bribery, Oslo Børs/Oslo Stock Exchange, Oslo, 17 March 2004
Business Principles for Countering Bribery, 5th Annual Meeting of the Anti-Corruption Network for Transition Economies, Istanbul, 10-12 September 2003
Corporate Compliance, International Development Law Organisation (IDLO), Rome, 22 July 2003