
About me – Jean-Pierre MéanSelected Speaking EngagementsSelected Assignments

Editor and co-author of ISO 37001: 2016 Anti-Bribery Management Systems – A Practical Guide, published jointly by ISO and UNIDO, 2021

Update on ISO 37001 – Anti-Bribery Management Systems, in: Global Ethics, Compliance & Integrity, Yearbook 2021, Peter Lang, 2021

Rückblick auf vier Jahre ISO 37001, in Comply Fachmagazin für Compliance-Verantwortliche, Nummer 3, 2020

La responsabilité pénale de l’entreprise en matière de corruption et les mesures à mettre en place pour y faire face, in : Actes des Journées Strasbourgeoises de l’Institut canadien d’études juridiques supérieures – Droits de la personne, ordre juridique et désordre social, politique et économique, Editions Yvon Blais, 2019

Zur weltweiten Anwendung des ISO-Standards für Korruptionsprävention, in: Comply Fachmagazin für Compliance-Verantwortliche, Nummer 3, 2018

Where do we stand 20 years after the OECD Convention was signed? in: Blog du Canadian Centre of Excellence for Anti-corruption, 13 September 2018 –

Implementing ISO 37001 to manage your bribery risks, Jean-Pierre Méan and Holger Gehring, in: Global Trade & Customs Journal, Volume 13, Issue 5, May 2018

New ISO 37001 — International Standard for Anti-bribery- Management Systems, Jean-Pierre Méan and Ario Dehghani, in : The Ukrainian Journal of Business Law, April 2017

Anti-bribery and corruption: The evolving Swiss context, Jean-Pierre Mean and Karen Egger, in: Compliance & Ethics Professional, September 2016

Addressing Corruption in Ukraine – Authors: Gary Reusche and Jean-Pierre Méan, in : Vox Ukraine, February 4, 2016 (

FIFA and Corruption: What is the Current State of Affairs?, Ethic Intelligence blog, December 2015 (

The dichotomy of values vs. Rules in anti-corruption law, in: The True Value of Corporate Social Responsibility, Palgrave MacMillan, Edited by Barbara Fryzel, 2015

Chapter 4 – Glossary, in: ICC Ethics and Compliance Training Handbook – Anti-corruption guidance by practitioners for practitioners, Edited by François Vincke and Julian Kassum, International Chamber of Commerce – ICC Publications No 741E, 2013

Le droit anticorruption et les organisations sportives internationales, in: L’Expert-comptable Suisse, 4/2013, pp. 206-208

Les principes de conduite des affaires pour contrer la corruption, in: L’expert-comptable suisse, 4/2012, pp. 231-234

Transparenz und Möglichkeiten der Korruptionsbekämpfung, in: Verbands-Management, Fachzeitschrift für Verbands- und Non-Profit-Management, 3/2012

Die Korruption im Beschaffungswesen, in:, August 2012

L’impact des règles anti-corruption sur la pratique des investissements internationaux, in: Revue Droit & Affaires / Business & Law Review, 10ème édition, 2012, Actes du colloque du 11 avril 2012 sur le cadre juridique des investissements internationaux à l’Université Panthéon-Assas, Paris

Lutte anticorruption en Suisse – Etude sur l’état des lieux légal et les pratiques des sociétés cotées, Ethos et Transparency International Suisse December 2011, Authors: Jean-Pierre Mean, Jean Laville, Simon Perrin, Sybille Gianadda

The Actors in the Fight against Corruption, in: Le Pacte Mondial des Nations-Unies, 10 ans de mise en œuvre, Bruylant, December 2011

Implementation of Compliance Programmes in Multinational Organisations, in : The Role of Large Enterprises in Democracy and Society, Palgrave Macmillan 2010

La certification anti-corruption, in: L’expert-comptable suisse, 3/2009,pp. 146-149

Political and Charitable Contributions and Sponsorships, in: Fighting Corruption – International Corporate Integrity Handbook, International Chamber of Commerce – ICC Publications NO 678, 2008

Les « whistleblowers » ou lanceurs d’alerte, Banque & Finance, No 93, septembre/octobre 2008, pp. 63- 64

The Role of Creditors as Stakeholders, Oil, Gas & Energy Law, in: OGEL 5 (2003), December 2003