Malika Aït-Mohamed Parent – About me – Recent publications – Recent Assignments
Corruption and SDGs, Master in European and International Governance, Module 8 on “Transforming Our World: Agenda 2030 and Other Key Plans of Action” (partnership Geneva University, UNITAR, Center for European Legal Studies, and the Global Studies Institute of the University of Geneva), Lecturer, Geneva, Switzerland, 11 June 2018
Detecting wrong behaviour towards a more ethical business environment, EBBF 28th Annual International Learning Event, Key Note Opening Spearker, Chavanne-de-Bogis, Switzerland, 17 May 2018
Governance, Corruption and Development, International Cooperation Certificate, Montréal University,Permanent Education Faculty, e-Lecturer, Montréal, Canada, 26 Mai 2018
Non-verbal communication as complementary tool to investigations, The Rule of Law Anti-Corruption Center – Geneva, Trainer, Geneva, Switzerland,1 May 2018
Fraud and Corruption, prevention and control in humanitarian assistance, Speaker, Bioforce Institute, Lyon, France, 24 April 2018
Fraud and Corruption, prevention and control in the Non-for-Profit sector, with a focus on Aid: Humanitarian Assistance & Development, Masters in Anti-Corruption Studies, International Anti-Corruption Academy, Lecturer, Laxenburg, Austria , 12-13 April 2018
Corruption risk management in development cooperation, OECD Anti-Corruption and Integrity Forum, Panelist representing the International Anti-Corruption Academy, Paris, France, 28 March 2018
Corruption trends and investigative journalism, Seychelles Media Commission, Expert, Mahé, Seychelles, 16 March 2018
Corruption and anti-corruption reflections, Public debate, Speaker, Mahé, Seychelles, 15 March 2018
Corruption schemes and anti-corruption mechanisms in land management, Ministry of Habitat, Infrastructure and Land Transport, Lecturer, Mahé, Seychelles, 15 March 2018
Corruption and anti-corruption trends, Revenue Commission, Lecturerr, Mahé, Seychelles, 15 March 2018
Corruption trends and anti-corruption mechanism, Anti-Corruption Commission, Seychelles, Lecturer, Mahé, Seychelles, 13 March 2018
Corruption trends and anti-corruption tools, Registrar General, Lecturer, Mahé, Seychelles 13 March 2018
Institutional Road map and Corruption prevention, Board meeting and public sessions,Transparency Initiative Seychelles, Senor Advisor, Mahé, Seychelles 10-16 March 2018
Monitoring and Investigating in high risk areas, 2nd Conference of Preventing Fraud and Corruption in International and Not-for-Profit Organisations, International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies and The Global Fund, Moderator, Geneva, Switzerland, 8 March 2018
Compliance role in the fight against corruption in aid, Academic Research Findings gathering, International Anti-Corruption Academy, Speaker as Research Fellow, Laxenburg, Austria, 26 January 2018
Fighting Fraud and Corruption in the humanitarian and global development sector – a “Must-Read” book, Academic gathering, International Anti-Corruption Academy, Speaker, Laxenburg, Austria12 February 2018
Corruption paradigm in Humanitarian and Social researches, International Scientific Committee , Fondation Croix-Rouge Française Contributor, Paris, France, 7 February 2018
Corruption in aid, Dialogue et Démocratie Suisse, Speaker, Geneva, Switzerland, 08 December 2017
Linking humanitarian assistance and sustainable development: a means to avoid conflicts, UN-Rotary Day 2017 Rotary International, Coordinator, Geneva, Switzerland 11 November 2017
Conflict finance, aid diversion, corruption and oversight; a certain perspective, Masters in Humanitarian Action (Geneva University; Graduate Institute; CERAH ), training developer, Geneva, Switzerland, 09 November 2017
Cyberattacks on Hospitals, Preparation of the 11th April 2018 workshop at the 7th Global Health Forum, part of the World Health Summit Expert Meeting, M8 Alliance and the Institute of global Health, Geneva University, Contribution as Expert, Geneva, Switzerland, November 2017 to March 2018
Transparency International, Annual Membership Meeting, Speaker, Berlin, GermanyOctober 2017
Corruption in Aid +Non-Verbal Communication as an Investigation Tool , International Anti-Corruption Academy (IACA) Alumni meeting, Laxenburg, Austria, July 2017
Honorary Award and Award for Young Researches, Jury member, Award Humanitarian Researches, Fonds Croix-Rouge française, Paris, France, June 2017
Corruption in Aid, Causeries, Handicap International, Lyon, France, June 2017
Anti-Corruption in Non-for-Profit, Expert talk, International Facility Management Association (IFMA), Geneva, Switzerland, May 2017
Career Counseling, Non-for-Profit, Events at the Graduate Institute, Rotaract Geneva International, Geneva Switzerland, May 2017
Introduction to Synergologie, Statutory meeting, Rotary International-Thonon Genevois International, Veigy, France, May 2017
Fraud and Corruption, Prevention and Control in the Non-for-Profit Sector, with a Focus on Humanitarian Aid, Visiting Lecturer, Masters in Anti-Corruption Studies, Field Module 7, International Anti-Corruption Academy (IACA), Tbilissi, Georgia, April 2017
Anti-Corruption Frameworks, Trends, Reforms, Tools and Good Practices + Introduction to Synergology, a Discipline using the Body Language Analysis as a Complement to Investigation Techniques, Training for Staff from Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Defense, State Secretariat for Procurement, Tbilissi, Georgia, April 2017
Fraud & Corruption Risks, Prevention & Control in the Humanitarian Sector, Keynote Speaker and Facilitator, Panafrican Regional Conference, Red Cross Red Crescent Standing Commission, Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire, April 2017
Corruption and Humanitarian Operations: Risks, Response and Prevention – From Naivety to Compliance, Keynote speech,Conference on Preventing Fraud and Corruption in International Organizations and Not-for-Profit Organizations, Geneva, Switzerland, February 2017
Corruption in Humanitarian Context: Voices from the Ground, Moderator, Conference on Preventing Fraud and Corruption in International Organizations and Not-for-Profit Organizations, Geneva, Switzerland, February, 2017
Corruption prevention in the Non-for Profit”, Rotary International, Veigy, France, February 2017
Corruption risks and Anti-Corruption tools, working sessions with the Medias, the private sector, the Anti-Corruption Unit, the public, Mahé, Seychelles, January 2017
Corruption, prevention and control, in the Humanitarian sector, for Rotaract GI, at the Graduate Institute for International and Development Studies, Geneva, Switzerland, December 2016
Conflict Finance, Aid Diversion, Corruption and Oversight, a Certain Perspective, Trainer, Masters in Humanitarian Action, Geneva University; the Graduate Institute; the CERAH, Geneva, Switzerland, November 2016
Building Peace together, Panellist, Geneva Peace Week, Rotary International, Geneva Switzerland, November 2016
Developing and Sustaining an ethical Organizational Culture, 17th Conference of International Investigators, Vienna, Austria, October 2016
How to deal with allegations against Senior/Top Management, 17th Conference of International Investigators, Vienna, Austria, October 2016
Fraud and Corruption Prevention and Control for Finance Analysts, Regional training for finance analysts, Americas, International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, Panama City, Panama, September 2016
Fraud and Corruption, Prevention and Control, in the Non-for Profit Sector, Keynote speech, Rotary International, Geneva, Switzerland, September 2016
Using human rights and human rights-based approaches to combat corruption, panel, Human Rights Commission, Side Event, Geneva, Switzerland, June 2016
Perspective from an Anti-Corruption Expert, PriceWaterhouseCoopers, Geneva, Switzerland, June 2016
Fraud and corruption prevention in the Not for Profit, Matinales, Fonds Croix-Rouge Française, Paris, France, June 2016
Introduction to Synergology, IACA MACS Programme, Brasilia, Brazil, April 2016
The Use of Positive Deviance in Bribery and Extortion Situation, panel, American Bar Association conference, e-global conference, February 2016
Transition humanitaire: les Etats de la recherche, Round table for Le Monde Diplomatique in partnership with the French Red Cross Foundation, Paris, France, December 2015
Anti-Corruption Education and Training for implementing UNCAC, panel, Conference of States Party to the United Nations Convention Against Corruption, Saint-Petersburg, Russia, November 2015
Prevention of corruption in aid and development, keynote speech, American Bar Association, Annual Convention Washington D.C., USA, May 2015