By David Simpson
Published on Thursday July 11, 2019
VIDEO – Gift giving and hospitality is such an important part of doing business in Asia – but when does one person’s idea of a gift and/ or hospitality become someone else’s idea of bribery (most notably law enforcement agencies!)?
This video explores how businesses operating in Asia and elsewhere can successfully navigate between respecting the local cultures, while at the same time ensuring that they are in compliance with relevant anti-bribery and anti-corruption regulations. It also includes a number of useful “anti-bribery tests” that can help organizations to bullet-proof their gifts and hospitality policies and procedures.
Organizations doing business in Asia or anywhere internationally would be well advised to embed these tests into their gifts and hospitality policies – and ensure that they are reinforced through appropriate training and communication practices – helping to ensure that their organizations have ‘adequate procedures’ in place to prevent bribery by its employees and by those acting on behalf of their company internationally.
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